Jana Wennberg

Project Manager

As a child, I dreamed of becoming an inventor. I would take apart my parents’ broken household appliances to figure out how they worked. I often came up with solutions to my small problems, such as creating an elevator made of plastic bags and cheese slicers to transport toys to my bunk bed. This curiosity—wanting to understand how things (and people!) work—and the thrill of finding clever solutions have always been my driving forces. Choosing to become a design engineer and work with customer-centered development was therefore a natural decision.

I grow primarily through my eagerness to dive into the unknown and try new things. During my many years as a project manager, I’ve taken the opportunity to lead a variety of projects. I’ve juggled everything from technically complex projects involving hundreds of people to more intimate design assignments.

I find inspiration and energy in spending time with people—both familiar faces and new ones. I feel my best when surrounded by others, and maybe that’s why I thrive in the big city! But sometimes, I feel the need to nurture my inner Värmlander. Then, it’s straight back to my hometown to ride ATVs, grill sausages, hunt for bargains at flea markets, and dance in the kitchen with my family.